The procedure to treat an umbilical hernia is pretty quick and easy. It normally takes 20 to 30 minutes, and you can return home the same day.

However, if a person lives alone or has additional medical issues, they may spend the night in the hospital.

Continue reading to learn more about the umbilical hernia repair Beverly Hills procedure.


1-Before the operation 

You’ll receive instructions from the hospital regarding when to cease eating and drinking before the umbilical hernia repair Beverly Hills.

You will meet the nurse, the anesthetist (an expert who puts you or your child to sleep), and the surgeon at the hospital. If there is anything you are unsure of, now is a wonderful time to ask questions.

The procedure is often performed while the patient is under a general anesthetic. Because you are unconscious throughout the process, you won’t experience any pain.

If a general anesthetic is required, it is typically injected into the hand’s back or inhaled as a gas. Until your child is taken into the surgery room, you can stay with them.

General anesthesia numbs the area being operated on while leaving the patient awake. Adults with a minor hernia who aren’t in good enough health for a general anesthetic are the only ones who typically undergo it. 

2-During the operation 

The fatty mass or loop of the bowel is pushed back into the stomach during an umbilical hernia repair by the surgeon. They make a tiny cut at the base of the belly button of around 2 to 3 cm.

The muscle layers at the weak location in the abdominal wall where the hernia entered are sewn together to reinforce them. 

Dissolvable stitches are typically used to repair wounds on the skin’s surface.

3-After the operation 

Even though the procedure of umbilical hernia repair Beverly Hills only takes up to 30 minutes, you or your child will have to spend about 2 hours away from the ward.

When your child wakes up after surgery, you’ll be transported by healthcare professionals to the recovery room so you may be there with them.


It’s typical to have pain and discomfort immediately following an operation to remove an umbilical hernia. Before the procedure is finished, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area. Only those with other medical issues are typically advised to spend the night in the hospital. 

To-do list during the recovery phase: 

4.1- A scheduled appointment for further discussion 

The surgeon will inform you whether you or your child needs to schedule a follow-up appointment before being released from the hospital.

If a meeting is necessary, you’ll get a letter or email with the specific time and day. 

4.2- At home 

At home, you can experience bruising and pain near the area. For a few weeks, the edema could not start to subside. The likelihood of this happening can be decreased by drinking a lot of water and eating many fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber foods. 

When you are in pain, hospital workers advise you on using medicines. You can administer ibuprofen and paracetamol to you or your youngster to relieve pain. It would be best not to give aspirin to anyone under 16.

Make sure you adhere to the guidelines for cleanliness, wound care, and washing that you received before leaving the hospital.

4.3- Activities 

Adults should abstain from alcohol for 24 hours following the surgery and from driving, operating machinery, and signing legal papers.

When patients can perform pain-free activities over time, they can progressively resume daily activities. With the most recent hernia repair methods, you can typically resume your normal activities in two weeks.

To be concluded

Are you in search of a quality treatment for umbilical hernia repair Beverly Hills? Dr. Daniel Barrett is here to answer all your queries and doubts regarding the procedure. Book a schedule with him today!

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