Due to the passage of time, our skin becomes saggy and droopy, resulting in dull and damaged skin. Mostly, the damage can be seen around your upper eyelid, which makes you look a bit aged, and this transformation is called dermatochalasis (ตาตก, which is the term in Thai). Various causes and symptoms result in this, and treatments are available.

Why Does It Happen?

As we grow old, our skin also loses its collagen and elasticity, which makes us look much older than our actual age, especially when it can be noticed in our upper eyelids, which gather extra skin to make them look droopy. So this particular disease typically affects the upper lid of our eyes, resulting in folded loose skin that most eyes get covered by. Dermatochalasis mainly occurs due to ageing, but it can sometimes be caused by too much sun exposure or genetic factors.

What Are Its Symptoms?

As the skin of the upper eyelid loosens, this results in making the eyes look tired and heavy, and sometimes vision problems also occur as the eyes look smaller than the previous shape. Due to disruptions in vision, they can’t read newspapers or drive a car. Irritation also occurs due to too much fat accumulation around your eyes, resulting in redness. So, this issue can be resolved by conducting a specialist who can prescribe medicine to minimise redness and itchiness.

What Is The Surgical Procedure?

Blepharoplasty is an advanced surgical treatment where the extra loose skin is removed, the muscles are tightened, and excess fat is removed from the eyelids. Due to the advancement of technology, the treatment has improved a lot, and through laser technology, this whole process can be completed without any pain. After the surgery, some bruises and swelling will be there, which will be reduced after a few days through proper medications.

After blepharoplasty surgery, the eyes look big, changing your entire look. Dermatochalasis can be cured by this particular surgery lasting five to seven years or maybe for a lifetime. Once the upper eyelid surgery is done, doing the lower eyelid is unnecessary.


Before doing blepharoplasty, the eye specialist will run a few steps to see whether any problem results in saggy eyelids and then proceed to the exact surgery to minimise the effect. After the surgery, the patient must follow the medications to reduce the extra swelling and apply the prescribed cream to reduce the itchiness.


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